Lothian’s Modern Apprentices

Lothian has welcomed four new Modern Apprentices in different areas of the business to assist with the day-to-day running of the company.

Modern Apprenticeships are a brilliant way for young people to earn while they learn and gain invaluable experience and workplace skills, while contributing positively within their teams at Lothian.

Joining us are Charlie Boyle (Fleet Administrator Apprentice), Ava McConnachie (HR Apprentice), Maia Hiram (Data Analyst Apprentice) and Ashleigh Moffat (Commercial Apprentice).

The apprentices will spend the next year in their respective departments learning about the business and how Lothian’s network operates.

Now a month into their new roles, we recently caught up with Charlie, Ava, Maia and Ashleigh to find out more about them, and how they are finding their feet at Lothian.

Why did you apply for the job?

Charlie: “It’s a great place to start a career and once I’ve completed my learning it will give me experience and skills I can develop in the future.”

Ava: “The HR Apprenticeship is a really good opportunity to get into HR and learn more about the field.”

Maia: “I have recently finished my degree in International Relations, and throughout my course I learned more and more about data analytics, and it was really interesting. The chance to come here and work with more data was something I really wanted.”

Ashleigh: “I worked in the Edinburgh Bus Tours team as a ticket seller, so I was familiar with the business. I was eager to further my learning while staying at the company, so it made sense for me to apply. It’s also indoors so no more rain!”

Why did you feel you’re better suited to a Modern Apprenticeship rather than continuing in education or going into a full-time job elsewhere?

Maia: “I finished my degree in International Relations and didn’t want to go into a postgrad like a lot of people seem to do. I wanted to keep developing my skills in data analytics, so it seems like a lot of sense to get my qualification here while working in data analytics.”

Ava: “College or university didn’t really appeal to me. I feel it’s best for me to learn on-the-job, like the opportunity I’ve got here at Lothian.”

Charlie: “I wanted to do something practical as soon as I left school, and it feels like I can learn a lot here while working.”

Ashleigh: “I had spent two years at college doing two different courses and, having worked in the bus industry while studying, I wanted to develop further in the industry in a new field.”

What interested you about your chosen field?

Charlie: “Admin is a core job at any company so it’s an essential skill to have and it can help open doors for you in your career.”

Ashleigh: “I knew the Commercial Apprenticeship would be spread between different roles, and it’s very varied. I’m doing so many different things now, it’s insanely interesting.”

Ava: “I think HR is central to any business, and it’s interesting to be a part of the HR team to see how things work. I had a part time job in retail before coming here, and I only saw the HR function from the other side as an employee. I was eager to learn about policies and procedures and find out how it all comes together at a larger business like Lothian.”

Maia: “In my degree a lot of topics were quite political, and I like to assess situations neutrally by using numbers. I wanted to have a job where I can explore real life situations and use data to analyse them.”

Did you have much knowledge about the bus industry or Lothian before starting in your role?

Ava: “I didn’t realise there was so many different ways you can be involved at Lothian and feel a part of the business. It’s been interesting finding out the different roles and departments here and how everything comes together.”

Charlie: “I’m from Musselburgh so I’ve always known Lothian and used the bus to get to school or go out with my friends.”

Maia: “I always had an interest in Lothian Buses because I’ve always said prior to joining that I couldn’t move out of Edinburgh because I’ve tried other bus operators and they’re just not as good! Everything at Lothian feels so coordinated and I like that in our network it’s mostly just us, so everything feels in one place.”

Ashleigh: “I use the buses often and they’re reliable and safe, so I was excited to join the Edinburgh Bus Tours team. Since I’ve been at Lothian in this role, my interest has grown in the industry and I enjoy learning more about how it all works.”

What’s been the best thing about joining Lothian so far?

Maia: “I’ve loved getting out and around the business. We all got to go to the Training School and try driving a bus ourselves for a short time which was great. Also, I spent an afternoon in the Control Room and it was good to see what goes on there.”

Charlie: “The people I’ve met so far have been really nice and I’m enjoying being part of the team”

Ava: “The best part for me is what I’ve learned so far. Even in just a month, there’s things that I had no clue about but now I’m picking them up and learning all the time.”

Ashleigh: “The different people that I work with. They’re all so lovely and have made me feel really welcome.”

What would you like to achieve in your apprenticeship?

Ashleigh: “I want to get the qualifications I’m working towards and then stay here and continue working in this field. I really like it here.”

Ava: “Gaining further knowledge in HR and knowing all the procedures and protocols for what to do so that I don’t second guess myself in some tasks.”

Maia: “I would say I want to continue to develop my skills in presenting data and becoming competent with the new Microsoft programmes.”

Charlie: “It’s my first ever job, so I’d like to take the opportunity to gain experience and knowledge working for a big company like Lothian.”